Box of Treasures

A forgotton box of treasures stir memories as if frozen in a time machine, things thrown in a box marked with black sharpie, “fragile” and “keep” from a long ago move.

Slowly unfolding a picture of a family with huge smiles, lovely eyelashes but no arms brings a smile. Drawn in elementary school as an assignment from a knowing teacher and crafted by a spunky towheaded 8 year old now grown with two children of her own.

The barbie…. well the barbie is from my own childhood with an outfit sewn for her by my mother now gone. Seeing her in my minds eye sitting at the sewing machine in the living room. She works, her body bent over it and shoos me away every time I get underfoot, impatient to see the finished gown.

The girl scout doll may have been a gift, but that memory escapes me. Being a troop leader for many a daisy, brownie and junior troop, some events tend to blur together. Another smile escapes as holding the doll brings other memories and reminders of campfire songs, s’mores, day camp, cookies, crafts, laughter and some of the best friendships of my life.

Slowly and gently tucking everything back into the box, wondering of the memories I’ll have next time I open it.

4 thoughts on “Box of Treasures

  1. After a big move 5 years ago, we continue to come across boxes that haven’t been opened since a *previous* move! Sometimes they contain treasures such as yours. Sometimes they go straight to GOT JUNK. But the moment of opening is always interesting. Nice post!

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