Feeling Part of a Team….

#SOL Day 17

I teach special education in third, fourth and fifth grade.  I sometimes feel like the 3rd wheel on a team or my own “special” team having my own special needs. (Don’t we all! But we won’t go there today.)  In this slice I wanted to share a few simple examples of how I’ve felt part of a team this school year.

Example 1:

I was distractedly walking down the hallway, when a fourth grade teacher walks up to me, grabs me gently by the upper arm and tells me excitedly, “Hey Partner, you need to come and see the fraction test results.  I’m so proud and excited about how our kids performed and you should see how much they improved”  She was grinning from ear to ear and I couldn’t help smiling.  It was contagious. Humming the rest of the way to my destination, I thought to myself, she called me partner and she said our kids and they’re growing!

Example 2:

I received a text last night from a fifth grade teacher.

5th:  We should do the global read aloud in 2018… it kicks off October 1st

Me:  Yes!!  I’m 1000% on board.

5th:  4th grade wants to do it too.

Me:  Sounds fun and exciting to share a book with the world.

5th:  Right?!  I think it would be so powerful for our kids to see outside themselves.

This text exchange made my heart soar.  We had talked about this last year, but weren’t organized enough to make it happen.  Go Team.

Example 3

IEP meeting last night.  Student has improved significantly.  Last words said at the meeting.  “Good job team.  Let’s keep the momentum going.”  I felt like it was a mental way of putting our hands in the middle of the circle, the way they do before a volleyball or basketball game. “Goooooo Jaguars!”  I actually wanted to do that, I felt giddy with the supported feeling of working together to help this student.

You know, there has been a lot of talk lately of teacher self care and avoiding burn out. I find these simple things keep me going, feeling inspired, cared for and happy.

Some team members supporting our art teacher and visiting some of her art on display downtown.


16 thoughts on “Feeling Part of a Team….

  1. I teach gifted and understand how the SPED teachers can feel like a third wheel. When someone reaches out to me in a positive way, I notice. I’m glad you are finding your place on a team and celebrating your students.

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  2. Yes, being part of a team makes the difference. We all want to be connected to something bigger than ourselves, and we became teachers to make an impact. So, this is a powerful combination! I was smiling as I read your post and understand everything you wrote. Thank you thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. How wonderful to have team members like this! I am missing being part of a team that feels like a team. It was fun to read your list and to think about whether there are ways I can incorporate those kinds of comments and actions more into my interactions with them. That act of saying, “Hey, Partner” feels so powerful!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow, that’s great how you are included. These things seem so small, but they really are important, aren’t they? I teach special ed also, so I can definitely relate to feeling like a 3rd wheel. Yay for your team! ~JudyK

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  5. You should consider ways that you can show other educators how a fully functioning team works. Maybe a group presentation at a conference, an article in an education journal, a workshop at a regional education center (we call them Education Service Centers in Texas).

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I love this. As a first year teacher, feeling part of a team has been instrumental in my development this year. Being isolated isn’t ideal in our profession- for us OR the kids. I’m glad you’re feeling like part of a team 🙂

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  7. It’s amazing how just a few words can change your outlook and make you feel a part of something bigger! Such a great feeling! I would suggest reciprocating as well … then the momentum grows!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Being part of a team is so rewarding. Plus it always feels good to be affirmed. You are blessed to have such great colleagues who want the best for your students. What an amazing work environment!

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