Not so Good Night

I hate making dinner for one.  I must be the laziest person in the world when it comes to this task.  In my fridge there exists some healthy food, but…. well… I just don’t feel like eating any of it.

Walking in the door I throw my purse and computer bag on the easy chair, sit down at the kitchen table and go through my mail.  After I sort the mail into toss, bills (ugh so many bills) and save to toss later, my mind wanders back to dinner.

I open the refrigerator and stare in remembering how I used to holler at the kids.  “Get what you need or close the door.  Don’t just stand there staring.”  I smile to myself.

Okay.  I think I’ll get some work done.  I go to grab my computer out of the bag and  grab air instead. OH great.  I brought home the bag, but left the laptop.

Fine.  I’s going to be a night of unhealthy chicken wings and reality TV. (Why am I watching that train wreck of a show The Bachelor)

That was last night.

This morning when I awoke, I had this nagging feeling of guilt.  I’m telling myself,  I know that last night was not typical.  One step backward and 10 steps forward.   I’m starting out the day determined to create a more positive and productive evening.

It’s yoga night tonight… maybe I can find lots of sprouts and green things to eat.

#SOL18 Day7

6 thoughts on “Not so Good Night

  1. I must admit I burst out laughing when you reached for your laptop and grabbed air. To be sure, that was what you needed that night. I have a pretty tight diet, and yet every now and then I will buy and devour an entire bag of potato chips in one sitting. My salt cravings are not satisfied by miso 😉 And sprouts aren’t all that either. Have a great day!

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  2. It seems like the commitment we make towards achieving some goal each morning just gets more and more difficult to reach as the day goes on. Why? And what do we teach our students to do about that? How can we channel the energy we have in the morning so it boosts us up in the evening? Thanks for a post that reflects how I often feel, “I’m starting out the day determined to create a more positive and productive evening.” Now how to apply what we are learning!

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  3. We’ve all been there. Don’t beat yourself up. (I also watched that train wreck too!) It is so true that we take a few steps forward and will at times take one back. Oh and sometimes we just need a little mindless tv! 🙂 Enjoy yoga class. I always, always feel better after yoga!

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