
cropped-981875_3274679283907_204996467_o.jpgIf you live in Wyoming, you’re used to seeing these fellas.  They’re antelope, as in -“Where the deer and the antelope play.”  Specifically pronghorn antelope.  If you’re driving through or staying in Wyoming for any length of time, you’re bound to see them.  They are known to halt traffic and eat the flowers and vegetables out of your garden. Personally, I like to look outside and see them, but then again, I don’t have the beautiful garden that my neighbor does.  I’ve seen her yelling and shooing them away with her broom.  It makes me smile.

When my children were small the antelope would put a halt to soccer games.  “Time Out” due to antelope on the field.  That one day it was good timing because when the game resumed, there were much cooler heads that prevailed.

Did you know that antelope don’t jump fences?  They crawl under them. That must hurt if it’s a barbed wire fence.  They can jump but prefer not too.

While some Wyoming natives may think of the antelope as pests….. I find them rather fascinating.  Hence my antelope ramblings this afternoon.


4 thoughts on “Wyoming

  1. I learned much from your pieces. Funny how the antelope’s interruption actually helped everyone regroup and redirect. Antelopes must be so humble if they squeeze under a fence instead of jump! Thank you for sharing.


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