6th Grade Grumpy


6th graders that are getting ready for Junior High:



Turned suddenly from 11 to 2 years of age

Standing on my head to get their attention


Somehow feisty and ready to leave this place

Nerves buried under the bravado

Making their own mistakes

Armed with all the tools and knowledge that they could absorb


Find your people, your place

to grow and thrive

Make a difference my friends

And I’ll be watching from the wings

Slice of Life

4 thoughts on “6th Grade Grumpy

  1. Isn’t it amazing what leaving and having to say goodbye brings out? Our students don’t leave us til grade 7, so in grade 6 they are still pretty calm, but especially after spring break, what with the pangs of leaving and the onset of all those hormones, it’s pretty wild out there.

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  2. We aren’t transitioning to a new school at 6th grade. They begin middle school after 5th, but I used to say that by the end of the year that I was ready for my 6th graders to move to the 7th grade hallway. Lots of changes going on for them.

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  3. I have a few 6th graders who will not only leave our school, but they will leave me, their GT teacher for 3 or so years. One is sad. The other is acting out and being so sarcastic. Every child deals with this change in her own way.

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